Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Today was a great day for Kenny! This morning he received a feeding tube and by late afternoon he was switched over from the "Mac Daddy" ventilator to a regular ventilator. Kenny is still heavily sedated, but does open his eyes when you talk to him :) Hopefully he will continue to show progress like he has today!


Lisa said...

My dear sweet fav sil....thank you for creating this blog for kenny so we can keep up with what is going on. Brian and I love you and your family so much and will continue to pray for the family as well as for Kenny. He sounds like a strong guy and with the Lords help will fight and pull through to a full recovery. We are here if you or your family need anything. XOXOX Lisa and Brian!

Family Fun and Faith said...

Every bit of good news is exciting, we are praying for Kenny every day.

Anonymous said...

Hey Lyndsey! Thanks so much for the updates. Now we won't have to text back and forth so much. (Not that I mind, but this is so much easier) I will continue to pray for Kenny and your family. You guys are such a blessing. I will check in on Kenny's progress daily. I pray that each day gets better and that he will make a full recovery!!!

Lots of Love,