Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

As of yesterday morning, the ventilator was steadily reading in the mid 20’s. By late afternoon, Kenny was transitioned from the “Mac Daddy” (fka STAR WARS machine) ventilator to the normal ventilator. Within two hours, he was placed back on the “Mac Daddy” ventilator because his blood gases were reading low. Kenny’s color looks great, swelling is down, and his vitals are still good. Currently they are reducing the paralytics and we are praying for a successful transition of the ventilators tomorrow. Kenny is still sedated and the paralytics should take about three days to get out of his system.

Part 2: Kenny put a new meaning on three days! Try five hours and his eyes were slightly open and he was moving his mouth. What a surprise it was to walk in a see this! The nurse said he was hard to put out 30 days ago (yeah I said 30!) so she wasn't too surprised that he was already starting to come out. Kenny still looks good and hopefully they will try to switch the machines again tomorrow.

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