Thursday, June 26, 2008

Thursday, June 26, 2008

It’s been 24 hours since Kenny was switched over to the other ventilator. It’s still doing his breathing, but all of his vitals are still holding. The paralytics were stopped and he is “coming out of the fog”. He can open his eyes and seems to be focusing left to right. His eyes are really GLAZED OVER, but we believe he can recognize all of his visitors. It’s obvious that he is already getting agitated and is trying to talk with the tubes stuffed down his throat. Over the past few days, there has been a battle of the egos with his two doctors. The attending physician seems to have won and it’s evident by Kenny’s improvement over the past 24 hours. The steroids were stopped and the morphine is being reduced. Some of the tubes will be removed in the next 24 hours, and his last chest x-ray looked REAL GOOD according to the team of doctors. He’s still in the Shock Trauma Intensive Care Unit and the ROTO BED is supposed to be replaced with a regular bed today. Much Thanks to Debra and Edna for all the snacks and goodies.



Brian Deats said...

Thanks for the update Lyndesy. I am happy to see Kenny making some progress for the better. My thoughts and prayers go out Kenny, you and the rest of your family.

Hollie Young said...

Oh Lyndsey, thanks for the update. I will continually be praying diligently for Kenny and the rest of your family. It's a good sign to see him making progress and weaning on the ventilator. Keep me updated. Love you!