Monday, June 30, 2008

Monday, June 30, 2008

There’s been great progress in Kenny’s recovery in the past 72 hours. He’s doing fine on the new ventilator and the ROTO BED is gone. The “Mc Daddy” ventilator has been removed from his room, as there is no need now for it to be there as a “backup”. So many unbelievable changes have occurred over the weekend. He’s adapting to the new ventilator. I don’t understand how it works, but all of the respiratory therapist say the numbers are amazing and can’t believe Kenny is responding so well. All of the IV lines have been minimized. No more morphine, but he’s still getting a sedative to take the edge off. His eyes have cleared up and he’s alert and responsive and definitely knows all of his family. He’s moving his hands and legs and it’s obvious that he is getting restless and agitated. The nurses say that is expected and “restraints” are on standby. The PA checked his neck for possible injuries and it appears he passed the “Raise your right hand for YES and left hand for NO” test. Hopefully the neck collar will be coming off REAL SOON, like today. Which brings us to the BIG NEWS. Kenny was rolled down to the Operating Room today at 12:30 pm for a tracheotomy. The doctors are amazed at his progress and decided it was time. The “trach” should make Kenny a lot more comfortable, speed up the healing of his lungs, and if he gets rid of the neck collar also, he should be a happy man. The doctors told us that when he started to improve, we would be amazed as to how fast his recovery would start to happen. I’m here to report that is CORRECTO. Some physical therapy for his weak muscles will get him back on the right track. All of these things are a slow process and will take time, but we are convinced that he is on the road to recovery. Please continue to keep Kenny in your thoughts and prayers.

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