Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Yesterday was the BIGGEST day yet for Kenny. He was in the OR for about 45 minutes and returned to his room. The breathing tube was removed from his mouth, the neck collar was gone, and his face was clean shaved with a mustache (Never saw him with a mustache). He appeared much more comfortable with the “Trach” and even more alert than before. He finally got to put his eye glasses on and that brought a BIG smile to his face. As he rested on his new air mattress bed, his face expressing an obvious sense of comfort and relief, he seemed to be focused on JUST watching TV. His breathing has doubled in #’s on the respirator and continues to improve upward. It’s my first day back to work after 40 days at the hospital. I talked briefly to his mother on the phone this morning and the team of doctors had not made their rounds yet. She said Kenny had a GOOD night and his respirator had been turned up again and is forcing him to breathe more on his on. He’s still in STICU, but I’m almost willing to bet……..NOT MUCH LONGER. Please keep them prayers coming.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

FAV SIL, this is FANTASTIC news. WOW what an improvment he has made. I know you and your family are thrilled and Brian and I share in this excitment with y'all. We will continue to pray for your brother and know the Lord has even more improvments in store for Kenny very soon.

Looking forward to see you and Deedo Friday....

Much love, your FAV SIL! Lisa