Monday, July 14, 2008

Monday July 14, 2008

Kenny continues to improve, but it’s still at a snail’s pace. He’s able to breath on his own, but the respirator is still being used as a back up. He’s been breathing on his own during the day, but tires, and the respirator is turned up to assist him. The doctor has prescribed anti depressants due to his idle time and just feeling helpless. Kenny has always been real active and has never been in a position like this where he is totally bed ridden. He’s weak from not using his muscles, but does well with his hands and has mastered the TV remote control. The respiratory therapists will not commit as to how much longer the normal respirator will be needed, as Kenny is a FIRST for them. One therapist told me that he has been there for 2 years and Kenny was the first patient that he has ever known to be on the “Mac Daddy” for that long (37 days). I think the average time is around 4-7 days. Plans are in the making for Kenny to go to physical therapy rehab in the near future. He’s definitely a miracle.


Lisa said...

What great improvements for kenny. God truly is working for Kenny and bringing him through such an ordeal. We are so happy for Kenny and everyone!

Lisa and Brian

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for your continued updates. They help us know how to pray for Kenny. And we are praying for him and for y'all as you give your time and energy to keep his spirit lifted.

Edna & Jim

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the continued updates. God is so wonderful. There are so many people praying for you guys. I know how exciting it must be to see God working right before your eyes!:)
