Friday, July 18, 2008

Friday, July 18, 2008

It’s been another week of recovery and it's UNBELIEVABLE how Kenny has improved. No more insulin in the IV. He get’s normal injections in the arm. He’s sitting in a special chair almost daily for two hours. It takes a while for him to get comfortable, but he’s aware he has to do it for recovery. Kenny has always enjoyed music and Lyndsey and David hooked him up with an Ipod and 7 hours of continuous country music. They changed his trach yesterday from a size 8 to a smaller size 6. That’s a good thing. He’s breathing mostly on his own, but still has the ventilator for backup when he tires out. There are no commitments from the respiratory therapists because Kenny is a new experience for them. Kenny is their first to have been on the “Mac Daddy” ventilator for so, so, so many days. In saying that, there doesn’t appear to be any problems with the healing of his lungs and normal breathing in the future. There’s nothing but POSITIVE news about the Miracle Man. We know that all your prayers have been the main ingredients of Kenny’s continuous recovery. Also, please pray for Kenny’s neighbor in the room next to him in STICU. Her name is Amy and she just turned 17 a few weeks ago. Her injuries are from a car accident like Kenny had, but also include head injuries. She’s also a REAL TROOPER. Amy has the love and support of her family, and especially her mom and dad, Mariam and Adrian who believe in the POWER OF PRAYERS and have constantly been by her side.

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