Thursday, July 3, 2008

Thursday, July 3, 2008

We visited Kenny last night and he has another infection, and it was determined by his urine and not his blood. That was good news. He had a fever, but appeared to be resting (out) comfortably and never really was awake. We found out later the nurse had given him a small dose of morphine for pain because he was being moved from his left side to his right side in the bed. The numbers on the ventilator keep improving in his favor (I still don’t understand all of them) and that’s a good thing. His mother called me this morning and said that he has developed pneumonia again. But, in the same breath, she said the nurse was getting a chair for Kenny to start sitting up in. It amazes me this day and time that doctors treat pneumonia/fever as “NO BIG DEAL”. Hopefully it’s just a minor set back.

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