Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Wedneday, June 11, 2008

Kenny’s condition hasn’t really changed in the past week. He’s got another bacterial infection in his lungs and is being treated with antibiotics. The ventilator tube in his throat got a hole in it and the respiratory therapists tried to make adjustments with the machine, but it didn’t work. They finally had to replace the tube. The ventilator has continued to pump 100% oxygen into his lungs. They’ve tried to lower it, but with no success. In the past 48 hours, they have attempted to lower the oxygen to 80%, only to return to 100%. His lungs just aren’t healed enough. For the past 24 hours, he has been holding his own at just 80% from the ventilator. This is the best news we’ve had in days. They are going to aggressively continue lowering the oxygen. Hopefully his lungs are starting to heal. He’s still in ICU, medically paralyzed, and critical but stable condition.

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