Friday, August 22, 2008

Friday, August 22, 2008

Kenny is making progress on a daily basis. No more oxygen, no more trach, and no more catheter. He’s able to talk again and has rediscovered his cell phone. He passed the swallow test and is now able to eat soft foods. He boycotted the broth and juice several days ago. The focus is on physical therapy now. He’s forced to get out of the bed and sit in a chair. He can now physically pull himself from the chair back into the bed. He’s also taken a few steps with the assistance of a walker. Looks like his strength is returning since he’s getting real food now. AND, he’s out of ICU and now in room # 403. He still has the drain tube for his gall bladder, and the doctor hasn’t determined or told us when that will be dealt with. Looks like he’s on the down slide to recovery.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Monday, August 4, 2008

Kenny got kicked out of Hermann STICU because of his improvement. He’s now at the Triumph Rehabilitation Hospital in Spring, TX. He’s still in ICU at Triumph, but is doing well. Don’t know how long he will be there. The rehabilitation is for his voice (still has the trach for now) and muscles. He has to regain his strength so he can learn to walk again. At least he’s getting a meal tray now. Broth, Jello, and Sprite is his diet. At least it’s a start. He seems to be in good spirits, but a little apprehensive about breathing on his own. The ventilator is gone and he’s breathing on his own. It’s still a long process, but he’s definitely headed in the right direction.